Friday, September 19, 2008

Mr. Movie Announcer

OK. Maybe this is a little hateful but I have to vent this if I vent about anything at all. I absolutely cannot stand the uber-over dramatic voice of the movie announcer guy. His repulsive, way-over-enthused voice literally makes me cringe. I can be watching a really good preview and then his stupid fake sounding, annoying voice will try to sell me (the viewer) the emotion of the movies' intent and I instantly think to myself "oh never mind... this movie will probably suck". To me, it takes away from the uniqueness of whatever the film will be about and let's me know that it is just another unoriginal movie. It's basically a turn off if his voice is used and sometimes will make me decide whether or not I go see that movie. Why not get a female voice? World, It's time for a new voice! He is tired. I have an idea! Why don't they just record his highly obnoxious, over dramatic announcements (because they all sound the same anyway)? This way you're not paying him over and over for the same material and you can just press play when the next movie comes out because his dramatic try-to-persuade-you-to believe-that-its-more-special-than-the-last-movie-you've-seen words never change anyway. New voice guys! New voice! Please!

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